Check MacOS version to verify updates are supported.Fixed various crashes at startup and when deleting files and folders.Updated logic for remote wiping devices.Updated how we calculate folder sizes to be quicker and use less CPU.Proxy updates no longer require app restart.OS level notifications for new shared folders.Added exception to Windows Defender upon installation.Files can now be deleted in Search view.Results now highlighted when opened in Folders view.Fixed quota calculations with purged Protected Folder backups.macOS case sensitive file system support.Added hover states to the activity icons to give more details to what SugarSync is doing.Recent activity shows an overview of your file activity.New look and feel across all of our apps.Desktop app shows a link to the status page when it can't connect.Fixed quota discrepancies between desktop app and web app.Improved macOS uninstaller to clean up all files upon uninstall.Improved client startup speed with no internet connection.

Improved upgrade experience of the desktop app.Updates to identify Public Links with the same name.Fixed macOS mission control black desktops.Fixed a crash when calculating a users quota.Fixed multiple SugarSync shortcuts installed on Windows.Added support for drag and drop within subfolder view.Added ability to turn on/off daily summary emails from within the folder share dialog.Added alert when OS shutdown while SugarSync is syncing.Added silent upgrade as an option for updating SugarSync.Fix for missing Windows system tray icon.Fix for sync issues after macOS upgrade.Numerous small user interface bugs have been fixed.Fix for auto logout issues when 2FA is enabled.A 3rd party license file is now included in the installation directory.The signup option has been removed from the login screen.New option to log out automatically each time the app is closed.It is now possible to log out from SugarSync from the taskbar menu.Context menus now show ellipses next to items that open a dialog.Improved messaging to make it clear a minimum of 3 characters is required for search.Several dialog boxes updated to consistent styling.Updated and resizable file type icons in Folder and Gallery views.Updated Developer ID Application certificate.Fixed problems with syncing and crashes when reconnecting e.g.